Let’s Get to work

Full Flavor Leadership is for entrepreneurs or leaders who are all in on taking the next steps to grow their business and reclaim more of their time, passion, and zest.

 This is about your business, your priorities, your unique needs, so we can problem-solve,  eradicate blind spots, and yes, increase revenue!

You can expect to feel like you’re finally gaining a handle on the three-ring circus of life and business, like growth is totally do-able, and excited to make small changes that create big results, all fully supported by a pro who has been walking her talk with businesses and clients for 20 years! 

How it works: 

  • Step 1 is your half-day deep dive with Connie. You will meet virtually to talk out everything needed to set you up for your next big success. There will be lots of questions about everything from revenue streams, marketing, and operations to the level of satisfaction you’re feeling with yourself and your relationships. You’ll have tons of laughs, snacks, and surprises to sustain you! By the end of your session, you will be feeling excited and ready to EVOLVE. 
  • From there we will meet (virtually) every other week for 60 minutes to discuss your progress and any additional needs that have arisen, always refocusing on those next affordable steps. 
  • In between sessions I will be available to support you by text, email, and an optional 15- minute phone check-in. 
  • Connie will also support you through referrals and additional learning opportunities to complement your growth. 
  • You also receive free optional invitations to Bold Boss Bootcamp educational videos/classes. 

You'll spend 6 months working 1:1 with Connie.

This is not another cookie cutter program that claims to have all the magical answers. This is about growing your business like a pro, on your terms, with a solid plan and the support to help you get there.

Months 1-2: You begin by doing a thorough deep-dive on your work and relationships.

Connie will walk you through her process to help you analyze what’s working, what’s not, and where you want to go. You will outline and begin taking specific next affordable steps that will set you up for major breakthroughs. 

In months 3 and 4 it’s time to dig into the work. You will implement many of the specific steps you identified in Months 1 and 2.

Accountability is essential to success! Connie will be with you every step of the way, supporting you with everything from referrals to learning opportunities all tailored to your unique needs. Let’s build that momentum!

In months 5 and 6 you will revisit your evaluation and your action steps to see how the changes you have made are working.

Connie will show you how to demonstrate your progress, which metrics matter (and what are metrics, anyway?!?), and what’s next to move you forward. This helps you create an environment of long-term, sustainable growth. (It’s called a continuous feedback loop.)

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